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Wondering how to handle deferred maintenance with HxGN EAM?

Deferred maintenance involves delaying essential upkeep to save costs, which can lead to equipment failures and safety issues.

Deferred maintenance means delaying essential maintenance tasks to save costs, but it can lead to increased risks of equipment failure, reduced performance, and safety hazards. Hexagon EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) is a powerful software solution that helps organizations manage and optimize maintenance operations efficiently.

HxGN EAM offers tools like preventive maintenance schedules, work orders, and asset tracking to ensure timely maintenance tasks. It provides visibility into maintenance needs, allowing organizations to prioritize tasks based on criticality, reducing the risk of equipment failure and downtime, and improving maintenance efficiency.

By providing insights into asset performance and maintenance costs, enabling data-driven decisions on maintenance strategies and resource allocation. Proactive maintenance planning helps prevent deferred maintenance in the first place.

HxGN EAM also allows for creating deferred maintenance activities. For example, a work order for vehicle maintenance may have critical and non-critical activities. To save time, a supervisor can defer non-critical activities to a later date. The deferred maintenance can be assigned to a work order when equipment availability is confirmed, ensuring completion as planned.

HxGN EAM is a powerful tool for effectively managing deferred maintenance and ensuring timely and efficient maintenance tasks. With its comprehensive features and data-driven insights, HxGN EAM helps organizations proactively address maintenance needs, reducing the risk of equipment failure and downtime, and improving overall maintenance operations.

For help developing your organization’s plan for deferred maintenance, contact our support and services department to learn more!