Inboxes & KPIs

Inboxes & KPIs are added to a user's Start Center to allow a user to assess their current maintenance status at a glance.

Visualize this process on YouTube: 

Inboxes & Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are user-defined parameters that measure productivity or efficiency associated with processes and/or work order-related activities.  A user can add/remove Inboxes and KPIs as needed.  An example of an Inbox is Open Work Orders.  And by double clicking this Inbox, the hyperlink will take the user to work order screen with the dataspy that has filtered out all work orders to just the open work orders.  An example of a KPI is PM Completed Percentage for the month.  This KPI may not have a screen associated with it, but the user can see the percentage immediately and not have to run a report or manually figure out how many PMs were completed this month.