Using FMECA in HxGN EAM: predict asset failures before they happen

Failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) is a systematic approach to identifying and assessing the potential failures of a system or product. It is a qualitative and quantitative risk analysis technique to prioritize reliability.

The most critical failure modes should be addressed first. The FMECA results can also be used to develop mitigation strategies, such as preventive maintenance or design changes.

HxGN EAM features to assist:

  1. Identify potential failure modes: The first step is to identify all of the potential failure modes for the asset, equipment, or system. This can be done by brainstorming with subject matter experts or by using historical data on failures.
  2. Determine the effects of each failure mode: Once the potential failure modes have been identified, the next step is to determine the effects of each failure mode. This includes identifying the consequences of the failure mode, both in terms of the impact on the asset, equipment, or system, and the impact on the organization.
  3. Assess the severity of each failure mode: The severity of each failure mode is then assessed. This is typically done by assigning a severity rating to each failure mode, such as low, medium, or high.
  4. Identify the causes of each failure mode: The next step is to identify the causes of each failure mode. This can be done by brainstorming with subject matter experts or by using historical data on failures.
  5. Estimate the probability of occurrence of each failure mode: The probability of occurrence of each failure mode is then estimated. This can be done by using historical data on failures, or by using expert judgment.
  6. Calculate the criticality of each failure mode: The criticality of each failure mode is calculated by multiplying the severity of the failure mode by the probability of occurrence. The higher the criticality, the more important it is to take corrective action to prevent the failure mode from occurring.