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How do I use HxGN EAM to create a risk-based maintenance plan?

A risk-based maintenance plan is a preventive maintenance plan that prioritizes maintenance tasks based on the risk of failure. This type of plan can help to improve asset reliability and reduce unplanned downtime.

Risk Matrix:

A risk matrix is a tool that helps organizations assess the risks of equipment failures. It does this by considering two factors: the probability of failure and the severity of the consequences if the failure occurs.


Risk Assessment:

The risk assessment would then be used to determine the best way to prevent this failure from happening. This could involve preventive maintenance, such as regularly inspecting the storage location and repairing any damage.


Risk Analysis:

Risk analysis is a way to identify and assess the risks associated with equipment failures. It is a feature of reliability centered maintenance (RCM), which is a systematic approach to maintenance that focuses on preventing equipment failures.

Evaluate the following:

  • The intended functions of the equipment
  • Potential equipment failures
  • The consequences of those equipment failures
  • The definitions of failure modes

Additional HxGN EAM tips:

  • Identify critical assets: The first step is to identify the critical assets in your organization. These are the assets that are essential to your operations and that would have a significant impact if they were to fail.
  • Assess the risks of failure: Once you have identified your critical assets, you need to assess the risks of failure for each asset. This can be done by considering factors such as the age of the asset, the operating environment, and the maintenance history.
  • Prioritize maintenance tasks: Based on the risk assessment, you can prioritize maintenance tasks for each asset. The most critical assets should be scheduled for preventive maintenance more frequently than less critical assets.
  • Create a maintenance plan: Once you have prioritized the maintenance tasks, you can create a maintenance plan. This plan should include the following information:
    • The assets that need to be maintained
    • The frequency of maintenance
    • The tasks that need to be performed
    • The responsible personnel
  • Implement and monitor the plan: Once the maintenance plan has been created, it needs to be implemented and monitored. This will help to ensure that the plan is effective and that the assets are being properly maintained.