Using HxGN EAM to manage inventory in the construction industry.

HxGN EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) is a software solution designed to assist construction organizations in efficiently managing their inventory. It offers a range of features and functionalities to contribute to effective inventory management.

HxGN EAM Inventory Management for Construction

1. Asset Tracking and Visibility: HxGN EAM enables construction companies to track and monitor their inventory assets in real-time. This includes tools, equipment, materials, and spare parts. This real-time visibility allows organizations to know exactly where their assets are located, reducing the risk of loss or theft.

2. Centralized Data Repository: The software provides a centralized repository for all inventory-related information. This includes details about items, quantities, storage locations, purchase history, and usage patterns. Having a single source of truth for inventory data simplifies decision-making and enhances accuracy.

3. Demand Forecasting: HxGN EAM can analyze historical usage patterns and other relevant data to predict future inventory demands. This helps construction organizations to optimize their inventory levels, ensuring that they have the right amount of materials and supplies on hand without overstocking.

4. Procurement Management: The software streamlines the procurement process by automating workflows for requesting, approving, and purchasing inventory items. It can generate purchase orders based on predefined reorder points, minimizing manual intervention and reducing the risk of stockouts.

5. Vendor Management: HxGN EAM can maintain a database of approved vendors and suppliers. It assists in evaluating vendor performance, tracking delivery times, and ensuring that construction organizations maintain a reliable supply chain for their inventory needs.

6. Inventory Audits and Inspections: The system supports regular inventory audits and inspections. By reconciling physical counts with digital records, construction companies can identify discrepancies, prevent theft, and maintain accurate inventory records.

7. Data Analytics and Reporting: HxGN EAM offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Construction organizations can generate insights into inventory utilization, turnover rates, cost analyses, and other key metrics. These insights aid in making informed decisions about inventory optimization strategies.

8. Mobile Accessibility: The software often includes mobile capabilities, allowing field personnel to access inventory information on-site. They can request materials, update inventory counts, and initiate procurement processes directly from their mobile devices.


In summary, HxGN EAM supports construction organizations in optimizing their inventory management processes through real-time tracking, demand forecasting, procurement automation, vendor management, and integration with maintenance activities. This contributes to reduced costs, improved operational efficiency, and better overall project management.