Archiving Data in HxGN EAM

Archive Your Records for Enhanced Performance and Compliance

In the dynamic landscape of data management, it's essential to optimize your resources while adhering to regulatory standards. Did you know that HxGN EAM offers a remarkable solution to these challenges through its versatile archiving capabilities? This article explores how you can leverage the power of HxGN EAM's archive functionality to elevate your data management strategy.

Understanding HxGN EAM's Archive Functionality

HxGN EAM, a highly scalable solution, possesses the unique ability to adapt to your data requirements, alleviating the need for data purging. However, there might be instances where archiving specific data becomes desirable. This can be driven by various factors such as reporting needs, regulatory compliance, retention policies, or detailed analysis requirements.

The primary purpose of the archive functionality within HxGN EAM is to transfer data from the active database to a separate archive database, facilitating long-term storage. This strategic move has several immediate advantages that significantly impact system performance:

  1. Enhanced System Performance: The archive process effectively reduces the size of the active database. This reduction directly translates into improved search and reporting performance. When your active database is leaner, retrieving information becomes faster and more efficient.
  2. Reduced Backup and Restore Times: The archive database primarily houses older data, which tends to be less frequently accessed. Consequently, this allows for less frequent backups of the archive database, leading to a significant reduction in the time required for backup and restore operations. This time-saving measure can be a game-changer for organizations with extensive data repositories.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Staying compliant with data retention regulations is a critical aspect of modern business operations. Archiving data within HxGN EAM provides a systematic approach to meet these regulatory requirements. By ensuring the secure retention of historical data, you establish a robust foundation for compliance, minimizing potential risks.

Items Eligible for Archive

With HxGN EAM's versatile archiving functionality, a wide range of data can be effectively archived:

  • Work orders
  • Purchase orders
  • Stock transactions
  • Electronic records
  • Audit trail records

Important Considerations

It's crucial to note that during the archiving process, the archived items are removed from normal view within the system, becoming part of separate archive tables. As a result, these archived items will no longer be accessible for generating reports or budgeting purposes. This emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting the items to be archived, aligning them with your organization's specific needs.