
AI – Artificial Intelligence
AMP – Asset Management Program
API – Application Programming Interface
APM – Asset Performance Management
BODs – Business Object Documents
BPR – Business Process Review
CAM – Construction Asset Management
CMMS – Computer Management Maintenance Software
EAM – Enterprise Asset Management
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning
FAM – Fixed Asset Management
HxGN – Hexagon
IEMs – Industrial Equipment Manufacturers
ION – Intelligent Open Network
IoT – Internet of Things
KPIs – Key Performance Indicators
MGT - Management
ML – Machine Learning
MP – Maintenance Program or Maintenance Patterns 
MRO – Maintenance, Repairs & Operations
PM – Preventive Maintenance
PO – Purchase Order
PRD – Production
RCA – Root Cause Analysis
RFI – Request for Information
RFP – Request for Proposal
RFQ – Request for Quote
ROA – Return on Assets
ROI – Return on Investment
SoW – Statement of Work
SQL – Structured Query Language
SFTP – Secure File Transfer Protocol
TCO – Total Cost of Ownership
TRN – Training
TST – Test
T&M – Time and Materials
UAT – User Acceptance Training
WO – Work Order